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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 10, 2013 1:40am-4:01am PDT

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cheap. >> it does. in your back pocket. park that in your jersey driveway, huh? >> no, no, and no. yeah, especially the part about the back pocket. >> you know who will probably end up snatching the bad boy up, john travolta. >> yes. >> pilot. >> enthusiast. collectible. >> that's my theory. >> we'll find out. coming up, the average woman wastes $22,000 during her lifetime on this. >> ouch. and outcries of discrimination over clothing not off aered for sale at one of the trendiest clothing shops in the country. you are watching "world news now." ♪ like you're nothing ♪ you are perfect to me >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. did you see mr. clean disinfecting bath cleaner killing that bacteria yesterday, just flaunting it? and did you see the magic eraser clean up that crazy kitchen mess? it was like super dirty, super clean. how? wish i hadn't. [ sniffs ] what's that amazing smell?
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it's mr. clean with the amazing scent of gain. wow! you know, if i had a team, you'd be on it. [ gasps ] our mascot could be a cleanosarus rex. you're off the team. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide with the mr. clean clean team on your side. and one wedding, 2 kids, 43 bottles of olay total effects and many birthdays later, still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay.
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charles ramsey is a hero. though he doesn't think he deserves the label. >> the man who helped rescue three women from ten years of torture is making the rounds to share his story. here is abc's cynthia mcfadden. >> beginning of the week charles ramsey was a guy that worked in the kitchen at hodge's restaurant in cleveland. on monday afternoon, charles ramsey says when he heard a woman screaming he raced over and broke down the door to his neighbor ariel castro's home.
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the rest, as they say, is history. even the cleveland police chief weighed in. >> mr. ramsey does deserve a lot of credit. and he is the true key to this case. >> reporter: as did one of the mother of the rescued girls. >> it was awesome what he did. he could have turned his back. he chose not to. he chose to help her. >> reporter: a lot of people are calling you a hero is that how you see yourself? >> of course not, sugar. i do what i had to do. you can put any label you want on it. >> reporter: there is a reward, $25,000, for amanda berry's safe return. >> all you have to do is make that check out to amanda berry. what else you got? any other reward? you make them out to gina dejesus. what have you got? you go give that to michelle. what else you got? >> reporter: you don't feel, you are not going to collect any
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money for this? >> if i could do this all over again, and come out with the same happy ending, keep your money. >> reporter: there has been a dissenting voice raised over the past 24 hours. angel cordero who lives on the street says it was he not ramsey who broke down the door. "ramsey arrived after she was outside with the girl. but the truth, we arrived here who crossed the street, who broke the door, it was me." >> ramsey says cordero's version is not true. he says cordero was the first to run over to ariel castro's house then he ran away. in this exchange he refers to cordero as the dominican. >> i saw that girl. i don't recognize her. i saw a white girl. what's your problem? keep in mind the dominican, as i am saying this, what is your problem, runs back over there behind me, i look across the street, and she need to got out
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of here. he says, i'm not getting involved in that. i did what i had to do. and she got out of there. >> reporter: ramsey is the first to say he has not lived a perfect life. you have been in jail? >> you got that right, sugar. you reach that age, it's like, am i going to be a total schmuck the rest of my life or you going to stop being the schmuck? >> reporter: monday you showed the world you weren't a schmuck. >> i don't know about next monday, can't promise you nothing. >> cynthia mcfadden in new york. >> as real as they come. >> absolutely. he is a hero. i don't know if cynthia mcfadden has been called sugar three times in an interview. >> three times in an interview. she is a sugar. like he says and the other gentleman said. i don't really think it matters who got there first. who opened the door. who let them out. three girls are out. little girl is out. they're safe. >> don't need to argue who is the hero. they both are. >> that's for sure. coming up next, the retailer
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playing to cool kids frame of mind. >> why abercrombie & fitch is under fire for his its thin selection of clothing. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" co
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♪ less than less than perfect only skinny people allowed, that appears to be the motto for abercrombie & fitch. >> the clothing store accused of discriminating against average and overweight people by only offering small sizes. abc's rebecca jarvis looks into the allegations. >> reporter: at your nearest abercrombie & fitch, you can find shirtless sales men and latest distressed denim. if you are looking for a women's extra large blouse you are out of luck. the trendy retailer ceo doesn't want your business.
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>> he has been very, very successful. he doesn't want anybody in the store that doesn't fit that cool, young, sexy definition. >> reporter: robin lewis co-author of the rules of retail. he says it is all part of mike jefferies master plan to cultivate what he considers cool. we visited the abercrombie & fitch flag ship store in new york city to get a closer look to see if we could find something for an average woman, size 14 in the u.s. but after scanning multiple shelves and racks we found mostly 00s and extra smalls, and a couple large tops and size 10 pants. sales people there confirmed abercrombie doesn't carry xl or xxl for women. a spokesperson for abercrombie & fitch declined to comment. but in a 2006 interview, ceo jefferies told "salon" magazine, we go after the attractive all american kid. a lot of people don't belong in our clothes. and they can't belong. are we exclusionary? absolutely. >> he is a brilliant visionary. and he really crystallized this
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core consumer he was going after. >> reporter: lewis says it is a model that may not fit the future. plus sized shoppers now make up 67% of consumers. >> i think young people today want cool, but it is how they define it for themselves. >> reporter: from dove's real beauty campaign highlighting real women to h & m inclusion of plus size swimsuit model jenny runk, many are embracing it. and making clothes accessible. rival retailers h&m and american eagle both carry sizes 16 and 18, the largest at abercrombie & fit fitch, a 10. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> tough one. >> it is. it really depends on how you look at the argument. you bring up a fair point. >> i don't mean to be insensitive. does victoria's secret discriminate against men they don't offer clothes for dudes. does big and tall discriminate
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against small and thin people, they offer big and tall. >> good point. >> not the bottom line. it's tough. >> tough one for sure. we'll leave it to the experts. >> exactly. >> tough one for sure. we'll leave it to the experts. >> exactly.
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we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day
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have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide pods. just one pac has the stain removal power of 6 caps of the bargain brand. pop in. stand out.
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all right, welcome to "the mix." quickly, the average woman spends $22,000 in her lifetime replacing -- guess? >> i know, i was at the meeting. >> makeup. >> can you believe that? >> $22,000 of lost makeup. fishing for your lip gloss. >> mascara, lip gloss. can't find it. get some more. lip gloss is $15 at mac. i can see that happening in a year. >> i feel your pain. may 10th, today, national clean up your room day. the day kids across the world. >> get to work. >> dread. so we, we did it. >> yeah, not so bad my office. only been in there for a month.
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haven't had much time to mess it up. jeans on the couch. usual things. biggest thing, always throw the cushions behind there. i take a catnap after the show. >> nice. >> sometimes before i appear on gma. there you go. straighten the couch. >> that's not bad. >> my desk is far more, my neighbor is so clean, compared to me. a mess. of course i didn't know this was happening until they showed up with a camera. >> i have seen yours. >> yeah, i don't have a spot to put anything. i shove it in the drawers. >> open the drawer and do this. swipe it under the rug. >> polka is coming up. ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow stuff you saw on koppel's show ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the "world news" polka everybody!
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♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ukulele masters! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ every anchor guy and gal do the "world news" polka ♪ yeah! all right! all right!
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this morning on "world news now" -- private prison. cleveland prosecutors describe kidnapping suspect ariel castro's home. why he is under constant guard. how his alleged victims are coping with new reality. huge heist. prosecutors say a flash mob of crooks carried out a $45 million cyber bank robbery in a heartbeat. the widespread impact. who got busted? american agenda. prince harry's warm welcome in washington as his big u.s. tour begins. why his visit may be sticking to mostly serious business. big upset on "american idol." it has to do with who is at the judges' table, not who is
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singing on the stage. that's in "the skinny" on this friday, may 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good friday. friday, friday. >> happy friday, yes! >> we did. >> we made it to the end of the week. >> we sure did. >> it's been quite a week. a whole lot to get into. we'll begin with a moment of celebration for the rescue of the three young women in cleveland. neighbors gathered in the street to rejoice at their return. >> at the county jail their alleged kidnapper kept under a separate cell under 24-hour guard. we are learning new disturbing details about those years in captivity. here's abc's david muir. >> ariel castro. >> reporter: ariel castro in captivity, handcuffed in a blue jumpsuit his head down. charged with multiple charges of kidnapping and rape. >> this child kidnapper operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. >> reporter: the prosecutor's words come 24 hours after the homecomings a decade in the making.
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we learned that inside that van, gina dejesus was overcome and overwhelmed by the crowd but hugged her mother inside the van who told her you could do it. give them a thumbs up and she did. >> no matter how hard it is for everybody it is awesome. >> reporter: you got her back. >> yes. that's the most important thing right now. >> reporter: in the hours after the scene, gina told her parents she did not want to sleep upstairs in a room like she had been forced to for the last decade. instead the extended family sleeping on inflatable mattresses in the living room to grant her wish. gina's mother nancy told us she has known ariel castro for years, after growing up in the same community. that castro spoke to her on several occasions even after her daughter disappeared. most recently this past year asking her "how are you doing?" she told me it was not uncommon for castro to ask her similars revealing he was holding her daughter captive. >> do you know how many times i
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have been through the streets. i passed by that street. i have a sister two blocks and a half away from there. >> reporter: and the little girl, amanda berry's daughter who was carried into her new home. we have now learned she had been taken out in public by ariel castro several times. it is believed ariel castro may have taken amanda berry's daughter to visit his own mother. they suspect that little girl's biological grandmother. one family ruined by a secret. three other families relieved. >> they can smile freely now. which is the most beautiful thing in those three that went through that they can actually smile now. >> david muir, abc news, cleveland, ohio. >> a colorful, but controversial hero who helped pull the first of cleveland victims to safety said he only did what he had to do. charles ramsey the one who told the world what happened when amanda berry called for help. colleagues at the restaurant where he works made t-shirts calling him a hero. he said reward money should go to the victims. >> all you have to do is make that check out to amanda berry.
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what else you got? any other rewards, you make them out to gina dejesus. what else you got? you give that to michelle. what else you got? >> all right, a neighbor named angel cordero says he actually was the one who freed amanda berry. ramsey says cordero was afraid to get involved. he is sickened by his story. >> you know, if they both helped, it really doesn't matter. the women are safe and sound. because a couple people got involved and did the right thing. >> these are good enough guys both of them. even if they're trying to figure out who saved who talking reward money. i think both of them are willing to give the money back to the victims like charles said. >> interesting details. coming out. an alarm system put a lot of fear in the women. to escape the house. in addition to being tied up, padlocked and all these things, they were under the impression there was an elaborate alarm system if they tried to do
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anything it would go off he would come rushing back. >> now we know that wasn't the case. going back, amanda berry's child, jocelyn, she says is ariel castro's daughter, he took her to church, to the park, took her to mcdonald's several times. the question -- >> lot of details coming out. doesn't seem to all add up yet. >> not adding up yet. >> we'll see. moving on, jurors will not consider whether jodi arias will get the death penalty next week. court administrators in phoenix gave no reason why the hearing was moved to next wednesday. arias was placed on suicide watch after telling an interviewer moments after her first degree murder verdict that she would prefer to die rather than spend the rest of her life in prison. lawmakers on capitol hill are demanding to know if some important signals were missed which may have prevented the boston marathon bombings. tamerlan tsarnaev, the suspected master mind was interviewed by the fbi in boston after a tip from the russians. boston police say they were never told and there were concerns friends of the brothers did not come forward once their photos were made public.
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now to the huge cyberbank heist, a new york prosecutor says it was pulled off by a virtual criminal flash mob which worked with incredible speed. the final haul was $45 million. abc's rebecca jarvis tells us how the was done. >> reporter: this is how we usually think of bank robberies. guns, masks. but with this $45 million bank heist, not even an alarm bell. the scheme was organized for months and planned down to the minute. reminiscent of the casino heist in "oceans 11." >> reporter: arrests after an eight-man team of 20-somethings in one day allegedly worked their way around new york hitting more than 100 atms collecting $2 million in cash like trick-or-treaters. about halfway through the heist they came here, to this bank of america, where in just three transactions they allegedly stole almost $2,500. authorities say the suspects
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flashed their loot in these photos. prosecutors say the men were guided by unknown cyber masterminds who hacked computers at middle eastern banks creating home made debit card they distributed to band of small time crooks and hit atms in 26 countries. no customer accounts were compromised. still, we could feel the effects when an increase in security gets passed in fees. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> american airlines reached a settlement with the federal government over safety issues. the carrier faced $162 million of fines over problems with electrical wiring and other issues. american agreed to pay the faa $25 million in the settlement. the airline is in the middle of negotiations in bankruptcy court as it puts together a merger with usairways. call this one a sign of our increasingly cellular times. a united nations agency report predicts by next year could be more cell phones in use on earth than people on earth. right now people do outnumber the cell phones by 300 million.
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the report says more people have mobile phones for home and personal use and cellular service is cheaper in developing countries than even having a land line. i have two. >> here is the problem. a lot of people have two. >> one for work. one for personal. >> we are already outnumbered. >> business and pleasure don't meet. >> they don't. >> big brother is out there. keep your cell phone to yourself. >> that's true. now to our friday weather. clear for the east coast. there will be storms in two areas. first in texas where tornados are a possibility. second is in the ohio valley. rain in parts of the southeast and the northern plains. >> some of the warmest weather of the spring from washington all the way into new england. another day of much warmer than usual temperatures in the northwest. 85 in honolulu. a bit of craziness and
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ingenuity, that's why this is our "favorite story of the day." a group of guys hoping to raise some money. >> they made the world's biggest slip and slide loop. one guy tried it out. >> oh. >> mm -- didn't go quite as well. ouch, ouch, ouch. that looked like it hurt. >> goodness, gracious. another guy pulled by a truck. made it all the way around. whoa. not for the faint of heart. don't try that at home. although they did. yeah, you need what is that -- >> centrifugal force? >> yes, need something to make it around the loop. >> no, no, not so much. >> they needed a better engineer. i can tell you the first part of the slide, it is not steep enough. you have to make it a steeper, bigger incline so when you are about to hit the loop you are going faster. >> what is going through the guy's mind when he is being pulled by the truck. >> hope the truck stops in time. so i don't get grass burn. >> exactly right. coming up, turning a corner on "sesame street" what your kids can expect to see. prince harry's america agenda.
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welcome in washington and what he hopes to accomplish. next. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by finish quantum powerball. m powerball. it's happening now. people are switching to finish... ... and it's spreading all across america. quantum with new power gel delivers amazing clean and shine, even in the hardest water, which cascade just can't do. take the finish shine challenge with quantum. voted product of the year by consumers ! given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities
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while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ i'm just wild about harry and harry's a little wild about me ♪ >> i am a little wild about harry. prince harry, he is state side this morning. arrived in washington yesterday to kick off a six-city tour of the united states.
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>> last night, prince harry topped off a busy day at a meet and greet, vips, reception and dinner at the british embassy. abc's tahman bradley is in washington following the royalty. good morning, tahman. >> diana, john, good morning. prince harry is back in the states. no clowning around this time. he is doing work for a bunch of his favorite charities. a lot of excitement yesterday when the prince landed. a red carpet arrival for prince harry. the sometimes rebellious royal returning to the u.s. for the first time since that scandalous vegas vacation last year. a crowd of women showed up at his first stop, an exhibition by the halo trust charity, the prince receiving a warm welcome from john mccain and halo ceo guy willoughby. >> very nice young man. very pleasant. i think he seemed to be really interested in the halo outfit. >> then off to the white house for an event with michelle obama celebrating military moms.
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>> when he heard about this tea and all of you, when people know about you and the sacrifices you make they want to be a part of it. he wanted to be here. >> reporter: later, a stop at the british embassy for a dinner reception and remarks and landmine removal. >> refugees who sought shelter from war cannot return home. long after the guns have fallen silent, this menace remains. unseen and undetected. >> reporter: the seven day, six city royal visit is all about giving back. >> it is covering all of the events he feels very strongly about. >> reporter: the prince jet sets to denver, then colorado springs for wounded warrior games, a paralympics style sporting championship, no stop in vegas, this time, as he makes his way back to the east coast early next week. the prince's charities are paying for most of the visit all of his flights will be commercial. and he is also being low key, just five aides with him. john, diana. >> we are a little wild about harry. talking in the commercial. you want to hang out with harry. ♪ i'm just wild about harry >> there you go. what do you think, princess diana. has a nice ring to it. sounds familiar.
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sound familiar. >> look at that. >> pretty cool. coming up, the upset on "american idol" and it has nothing to do with contestants. who may be number one at the heat/bulls' game. it's not what you think. it's next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now"
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♪ skinny so skinny
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all good things must come to an end, they say. "american idol," get the feeling the show is kind of, the juggernaut stopped. randy jackson is leaving. last of the original judges announcing he is leaving after 12 seasons. he basically said to put all the speculation to rest after 12 seasons i decided to leave after this season. i am proud how we forever changed television and music industry. 56 years old. he is a producer, bassist. he wants to focus on his record label and business opportunities. i interviewed randy here at abc. i don't know how to say it. yo dog. i don't know about this randy jackson guy, my feeling. after meeting him. he is the greatest, nicest, most sincere talented guy. a real music man. and did a little research on him to prepare for the interview. he is way more than -- >> a great guy. >> we wish him well. >> yeah, you know how long has this show run.
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it feels like forever. >> 12 years he has been on the show. >> that is a long time. it is time to hang up your hat, move on. plus he's made his millions. time to do stuff you really love. >> moving on to miley cyrus. kind of let slip, a week or two ago, she made it to "maxim" magazine top ten list. well she is the hottest of them all. >> looks pretty good. >> she has grown into her skin. she is number one on maxim's annual hot 100 list rather. interestingly though their number, i believe it is 69, is someone who doesn't really exist. you remember him, he had a girlfriend, she did exist, didn't exist, a guy acting like a girl. manti te'o. his fake girlfriend made it on to the list. she is number 69. there she is.
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in all her glory. she is a babe, i must say. >> she is one smoking babe. so, manti te'o, it continues. >> this next picture says 1,000 words, as they say. it has gone viral. check it out. >> this picture, check it out. she is saying you are number one. a miami heat fan, letting noah having the number one salute. gone viral. people are talking about it, her name is -- philomena tobias, the widow of former commentator, seth tobias. she is embarrassed being a good sport. she was having fun like another fan. people need to get a life if they're making too big a deal of it. >> she said people need to get a life. okay, maybe. >> some horrified. other people think it is funny. >> i don't know if you need to be horrified. maybe the people who need to get a life is people giving the read between the line signs, just played a game. leave him alone. you are being a bully.
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>> in his face. >> in his face. next up, "sesame street" taking you back to your childhood. apparently going to release the very first comic, just in time for free comic book day. executive editor says we want to offer kids great content. every type of book that may attract them. and to bring families together over a good story. so there you have it. and tune tin later on, on "good morning america," right here, the new character on sesame street. >> sesame street fan? >> huge. enormous. couldn't get enough. >> are the kids still into it? >> i think so. who knows. i swear i made it on to a video of theirs. >> you what went to sesame street for the taping? >> no, i was at a park. i don't remember this. i saw a video when i was 12. i was like -- that girl looks really familiar. >> that's me? how do you check? there is no way of knowing. you say it and it becomes real. >> interesting. >> especially on national television. i was in a video for sesame street. >> favorite muppet? >> big bird. huge. >> kind of a grover guy. >> really?
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>> and i liked oscar the grouch. >> i did too! >> we'll be right back. ll be right back. save them.
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woolite everyday, cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer.
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this week in the headlines we saw high profile conviction and emotional display in front of a congressional committee. >> we'll start with the biggest story of the week, the rescue of three young women from captivity inside a cleveland home. here is our "friday rewind." >> help me, i am amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay. >> what's going on there? >> i have been kidnapped. i have been missing for ten years. i am here and free now. >> i look and i see this girl she just going nuts on the door we had to kick open the bottom. that door was aluminum. it was cheap.
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she climbed out with her daughter. >> i am glad to have you back. >> i'm glad to be back. >> i thought you were gone. >> nope, i am here. >> we, the jury, find the defendant as to count one first degree murder guilty. >> the worst outcome for me would be natural life. i would much rather die sooner than later, longevity runs in my family and i don't want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place. >> flames start bursting just, everywhere. everybody came through the partition. >> i bring up my head from the compartment and help me, i hear somebody screaming but -- >> i got the ambassador on the other end. he said, "greg, we are under attack." >> it matters to me personally and it matters to my colleagues. my colleagues at the department of state. >> i think we are always open for redemption. i think this is certainly -- [ indiscernible ] >> i did this for myself, my wife, and my children.
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and unlike some of you they will still pay attention to me whether i run for president or not. >> my biggest job in the world is to protect my daughter. and i am very protective. i just want to make sure that she can have a -- a healthy, safe, normal life. >> that is a cute baby. >> yes. >> mother's day this weekend. don't forget everybody. this is your first mother's day, congratulations. >> yes, last time mother's day i was pregnant. it was a huge deal. this is even huger there is an actual baby i have been taking care of. >> huge moment for your man. sets the precedent. diamond necklaces or box of chocolates. be careful out there, ducis. >> somewhere in between is okay. no box of chocolates. >> enjoy. you deserve it. happy mother's day. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," info
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this morning on "world news now" -- tragic accident. what caused a super fast sailboat to capsize in california killing an olympic gold medalist. sex addict. reports about suspected cleveland kidnapper, ariel castro, the disturbing new details being revealed about his alleged victims after his day in court. stranger danger, experts on abduction show how easy it is to lure a teenager into a car. the ploys that can trick some body into becoming the next kidnapping victim. and sky swinging. the thrills promised at an amusement park attraction for brave people looking for an unforgettable stomach turning spin. it is friday, may 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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happy friday, everybody. >> happy friday. >> friday. >> weekend upon us. it's all good. mother's day weekend upon us. >> i know, it will be a good weekend for everybody. okay, we begin this half-hour with the sailboat disaster. it happened in san francisco bay. the search for answers, why, into why a multimillion dollar, 72-foot catamaran capsized just beginning. >> what we know for certain is that the accident cost one sailor his life. abc's brandi hitt joins us. good morning, brandi. >> good morning, john, diana. >> andrew simpson, a highly experienced gold medal sailor. when the boat capsized he was trapped underwater. this is what is left of the "artemis" racing boat. after a deadly accident in the san francisco bay. the swedish yacht and 12 man crew were practicing for the upcoming america's cup when it capsized killing 36-year-old crew member andrew bart simpson.
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the two-time british olympic medalist took home the gold in the 2008 beijing olympic games. >> we obviously had a tragic day today on the bay. >> reporter: artemis, ceo, did not reveal why the 72 foot catamaran tipped over thursday afternoon. the racing crew used to competing in strong winds and high speeds jumped to safety. but somehow, simpson became trapped under water for 10 minutes. coast guard crews and a helicopter unit helped rescue the sailors. when they reached simpson it was too late. they could not revive him. >> shocking experience to, to go through. and we have a lot to deal with in the next few days in terms of assuring everybody's well-being. we are focused on the people. >> catamarans have an inherent problem, they are very stable until they're not. as soon as you have a platform under you that is, that is not able to lean with the wind, it has the a point. you know when you reach that
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point it is, it's gone. >> reporter: another sailor suffered minor injuries and is expected to be okay. andrew simpson leaves behind a wife and young son. john, diana. >> brandi, thank you. to cleveland now where kidnapping suspect ariel castro is held on 8 million bond. the former school bus driver made his first appearance in court but did not say a word. prosecutors may seek the death penalty against castro and dozens of more charges could be filed. >> mr. castro stands before you a captive. in captivity. >> this child kidnapper, operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. the horrific brutality and torture that the victims endured for a decade is beyond comprehension. >> our cleveland affiliate reports that castro told investigators he is a sex addict. jail guards have him under constant watch. >> as for the victims, michelle knight is being treated in the hospital where she has been since the rescue. gina dejesus' mother told abc's david muir she has known ariel castro for years.
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they grew up in the same community. castro spoke to her on several occasions even after her daughter disappeared. >> reporter: you would see him and he would say, "how are you doing?" >> yes. >> reporter: like nothing was wrong? >> yes. >> reporter: that's chilling. >> it is. >> reporter: all the while he had your daughter? >> yes. >> the young women were warned there was an alarm system and it would go off if they tried to escape. they say castro would bring home food and the young women would cook it. sometimes he would even bring home food from mcdonald's. >> as the details come out it gets more and more fascinating, disturbing, just, the strangest things. >> yeah. not only was it the food. he also bought them clothes at a local store. the same local store throughout the years they were in
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captivity. gina dejesus apparently used the fabric from the clothes to sew outfits out of the clothes he would bring them. speaking of gina, her mother nancy there, she is so distraught. it will take years to get over it. if they ever get over it. she didn't want to sleep upstairs in her own home. she was afraid. >> she was kept upstairs in the house. >> yes. the entire family inflated a bed downstairs and slept down there. >> community style in the living room. >> i think they will do that for a long time. >> that is actually a great thing. our coverage of the cleveland kidnapping investigation continues all day long on abc news. later this half-hour, experts on abduction show us how easy it can be to trick teens into trusting a stranger. now we go to capitol hill with serious questions about the boston bombings. lawmakers now want to know if the fatal attack could have been prevented. here's abc's pierre thomas. >> reporter: five days before the attack on the boston marathon, state and federal authorities identified the finish line as an area of increased vulnerability especially to small scale bombings. police say they beefed up security and the tragedy still
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happened. on capitol hill there was a demand for answers as to why signals may have been missed. >> my fear is that the boston bombers may have succeeded because our system failed. >> reporter: tamerlan tsarnaev suspected master mind of the bombing was interviewed by the fbi after a tip from the russians. local police say they were never told. >> when information is out there that affects the safety of my community i need to know that. >> reporter: there were more concerns raised -- many who knew the suspects never called police even after photos were released. >> did the students come forward to identify the younger brother? >> they did not. >> reporter: law enforcement officials say tamerlan, the older brother had a beard when they interviewed him in 2011. that year they interviewed 1,000 suspected radicals in the boston area. sources tell abc news, even fbi agents who interviewed him did not initially recognize tamerlan from the photos released from
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the bombing scene. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. three weeks after his death, tamerlan tsarnaev has finally been laid to rest. cemeteries in several states and family's ancestral home of chechnya had all refused to accept his remains. his body had been kept at a funeral home in massachusetts. police say, an anonymous person stepped forward to help and tsarnaev was buried yesterday in an unknown gravesite. daring rescue from the top of a high rise building in l.a. two window washers were trapped outside the 26 floor of a 27-floor tower. the fire department's urban search-and-rescue team rappelled down to them and hoisted the men up to the roof. word is there was a kink in the cables that disabled the scaffolding. the two men were unharmed. now to new york -- one world trade center will officially become 1776 feet tall today. crews will finish installing the spire at the top of what is known as the freedom tower. it makes it the tallest building in the united states and third tallest building in the world.
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the spire was lifted into place last week. the building opens for tenants next year. >> that is exciting. minnesota one step closer to becoming the next state to legalize gay marriage. the state senate expected to approve the measure in st. paul monday. the governor says he will sign it. minnesota, expected to be the 12th state in the nation to legalize gay marriages. all eyes are on wall street today after some signs the economy may be bouncing back. analysts now saying the number of foreclosures dropped 5% last month down 23% from a year ago. the foreclosure rate lowest in six years. unemployment claims dropped to 323,000. the last time that number was this low was before the recession. lion meat tacos are officially off the menu at a tampa restaurant. we told you about this exotic item yesterday. the lion tacos were selling at $35 a piece. there was such an uproar over the use of lion meat, the owners of taco fusion decided not to serve the lion tacos any more
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though they claim the meat came from farm raised animals. there are exotic possibilities there if you can stomach them. beaver being one. >> nah, i'll stick with the chicken, pork, steak, fish all good. whoever is eating a taco in tampa today will be doing it under sunny skies. that's the way it will be for most of the east coast as well. warming up, sunny skies out west as well. there will be storms in texas and in the ohio valley. >> it is going to be 80 degrees in new york. wow, great. just about 56 in chicago. 69 in omaha, fargo. don't you know. more above normal readings in the northwest. it is going to be 90 degrees and dry heat in phoenix. >> don't know about the fargo accent. >> sound like bob marley. >> when i go "don't you know", i sound like a leprechaun. >> no "don't you knows." in the high 70s in northern georgia where six flags is getting ready to unveil something called the sky screamer. ah. the tallest attraction ever in
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the 45-year history of six flags over in georgia. >> looks mild enough there. as the open air seats swing round and round, by the time the riders get to the top of the tower they're flying at 40 miles an hour. [ screaming ] >> oh, boy, the circle they're soaring around is 98 feet wide. eventually the big machine brings everyone back down to the ground. >> are you macho at the amusement park or a wimp? >> i love it. >> you're tough? at six flags, buy the thing you get to the front of line for all the attractions. that is my first stop. >> you have to pay extra? >> you have to pay extra. it is okay. it is worth it. you get to go without waiting in lines. >> my daughter is dying to go to great adventure. i think that's on the list for this summer. >> i think it is. i wonder if she will be macho. >> more macho than dad. >> really? >> she dives. great off the diving board. >> i will do a cannonball, not a dive. >> take her to georgia get on that thing.
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ah. coming up, tricked by strangers. an eye-opening demonstration by safety experts you really have ahead, movies worth seeing. including, the long awaited great gatsby film. tell you all about it. getting high on capitol hill. who is allowed to sell medical marijuana even though it is against federal law. we'll take you live to washington for the controversy. you are watching 1 ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lunesta. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks.
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now drop and give me twenty spaghetti bowls! [ female announcer ] dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste... and time-release bacteria to reduce tank build up. rid-x, #1 in septic maintenance. okay. welcome back. all of us parents try to teach our young children to stay away from strangers. as it turns out small children may not be the most vulnerable.
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>> as we saw in cleveland, teens may be a bigger target. here's abc's cecelia vega. >> reporter: kidnappings, attempted abductions from the streets of philadelphia in broad daylight to the toy aisle of an atlanta wal-mart to a parking lot in florida. they happen all too often. but this week's news in cleveland shows how predators can lure teens even young adults into danger. a 2005 abc news hidden camera experiment shows just how easily teens fall prey to strangers using these tried and true tactics. within seconds this child safety expert pretending to be a police officer -- >> are you walking down that way? >> reporter: -- gets two teens into his car. >> we're making an arrest in front of the van. come over here. they don't ask a single question. >> open up.
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jump in. real quick. real quick. driver's seat. fast, real fast. scoot over real fast. >> reporter: mom nearby watches in horror. >> i can't believe they got in the car. >> reporter: cleveland police say ariel castro snatched his victims by tricking them into his car. safety expert, patty fitzgerald warns kids of all ages to never, ever get into a vehicle without a parent's permission. >> younger child gets sort of scared more quickly when things don't seem right. the older child feels like, what could happen? i'm in my neighborhood. >> reporter: that is surprising? >> i know. everybody thinks it is the little kids. >> reporter: there is an arsenal of creative tricks. this time the would-be kidnapper lets the air out of his teen victim's tire and then swoops in to save the day. >> thank you so much. >> no problem. i want to back it up. put it right here. in mine it will work, yours it wo give me a second. >> reporter: it doesn't take
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long. she is inside. in our experiment, half of the teens got into the car. angeles. >> disturbing. frightening. >> a lot of things you can teach your kids to do though, the little ones, the velcro technique, run, grab on to any adult you see. physically grab and hug. your whistles your screams all draws attention. the bad guys don't want attention. >> no. absolutely right. >> yikes. still to come, the movement to legalize marijuana makes a stand in washi
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>> it's hard not to dance. >> the push to legalize marijuana is on the doorstep of congress literally. >> the first pot dispensary in the capital set to open this month. will that nudge along efforts to
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decriminalize pot. abc's devon dwyer is live in washington with this one. >> good morning, devon. >> reporter: hey, diana. hey, john. it is high times and they are planting a flag in the shadow of the u.s. capitol. >> hello, come on in. >> reporter: under watchful eye, medical marijuana will for the first time go on sale here, a so-called wellness center eight blocks from the u.s. capitol. >> this is what we call product selection and payment room. >> reporter: these jars filled with multiple varieties of canibas. on the shelves? >> vaporizers. >> brownies, cookies, drinks? >> absolutely. >> reporter: the dispensary in d.c. is illegal under federal law. which bans cultivation and sale of marijuana. enthusiasts say, a safe and profitable business here could help change lawmakers' minds. a recent pew poll, find a majority of americans, 52% favor legalizing the drug. medical marijuana is allowed in 18 states, plus d.c., colorado and washington, pot is available without a prescription for
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recreation. president obama told barbara walters last year he is rethinking federal prosecution of some marijuana users. >> it does not make sense for us to focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said that under state law that is legal. >> reporter: the big question now for pro pot states will the justice department spoil plans for dozens of dispensaries. taxes and fees from weed sales, promise to be a bonanza of millions and much needed cash. if this operation goes off what a hitch you think it will send a message to lawmakers and congress? >> i think law makers and congress have received that message. they know there are legal states where it has worked. >> reporter: so far this year, seven bills dealing with marijuana introduced in the house including one that would end the federal ban. all face an uphill climb, which means for now, john, diana, the dispensary on capitol hill is still at odds with federal law. >> isn't that interesting right underneath their noses.
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what is going to happen. once they set up shop, the question is -- how easy is it going to be to get the marijuana in d.c. once the dispensaries are open and available for everyone? >> they say this is definitely not a weed free-for-all in the capital. there are some pretty tight rules for the district. you have to be a resident. you have to have one of the qualifying diseases, a very short list -- ms or aids, you have to buy a license, get approved by a doctor, certified. pay an application fee. i don't expect that we will be seeing any marijuana free flowing through the halls of capitol hill any time soon. >> any concern the justice department may try to crack down on the dispensaries? >> it's hard to believe. department of justice headquarters is four miles from the dispensary we were at. general manager said she is not worried about it. we'll see what they do. in the next few weeks. >> i want to open up the doritos shop next to the dispensary. >> and a brownie shop. right next to the doritos. >> we'll retire.
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devon dwyer, thank you. >> we'll be right back with "insomniac theater." >> we'll be right back with "insomniac theater." save them. woolite everyday, cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day
2:53 am
have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. >> announcer: introducing the great weekend sale at hotwire. for a limited time, get up to 70% off any weekend hotel stay anywhere when you book a hotwire hot rate. the great weekend sale won't last-- book today.
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take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. time now for our "insomniac theater." >> first take a look at "the great gatsby." based on the novel by f. scott fitzgerald. set in the roaring '20s. the fifth time made into a movie. a would-be writer, toby mcguire, leaves the midwest comes to new york city to chase the american dream. move next door to the party-loving jay gatsby, played by leo dicaprio, that's when he
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discovers the world of riches, madness, and obsession. >> a strange coincidence. >> what is? >> gatsby's house just across the bay. >> it is not coincidence. he bought the house to be near her. he threw all the parties hoping she would wanter in one night. he constantly asked about daisy. i was just the first person that knew her. >> all that for a girl he hasn't seen in five years. now he just wants me to invite her over to tea. >> the reviews on this one a bit mixed. "the new york times" critic says the best thing about "the great gatsby," it is for all the computer generated acting, f. scott fitzgerald's great gatsby, no small deal. another one from "the chicago reader" the director is exactly the wrong person to adapt such a delicately rendered story. and his 3-d feature plays like a ghastly roaring 20s blowout at a sorority house. >> ouch. >> i don't care about mixed
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reviews. i think it is just going to be entertaining to see the period and the costumes and buildings. i think it will be great. >> i want to see it. all right. now to the latest offering from tyler perry. "peeples" starring kerry washington. washington's character he is a little out of place in her upper crust family. >> this is wade walker. everybody. >> guilty. >> yeah, and he is my friend. >> how wonderful. >> and also, we're in a relationship. >> ha-ha. reviews on this one mixed from the critic of the "l.a. times." an infectious warm comedy of family and communication. these peeples are people one should be happy to meet. this slam from the "st. loui post dispatoediaout privileged esse colors "peeples" is palatable ii acid. i think he is referring to >> yowsa. >> out of the two i will s
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this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now" -- torture chamber. that's what prosecutors in cleveland say suspected kidnapper ariel castro had in his house. getting new disturbing details from the women held there for a decade. changed forever. controversial cleveland hero charles ramsey says his life will never be the same since that day he saw amanda berry in his neighborhood. >> if i could do this all over again? come out with the same happy ending. keep your money. >> hear ramsey's wish for the reward money and why his past is under a microscope. >> controversy in store, the
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famous american retailer who will not sell clothing to people of a certain size. an outcry over discrimination. it is friday, may 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> good friday morning, up top. >> made it. >> yes, long week. >> well. >> not for you. you have been back three days. >> when the weeks are shorter, sometimes they feel longer. >> when you come back from vacation you are more tired. >> need a vacation from my vacation. >> it's friday. we're psyched. talk about the half-hour, cleveland, where prosecutors are considering the death penalty for ariel castro. dozens of more charges coming in the next few days. >> castro held in a separate cell and away from other inmates. and guarded around the clock. good morning, andy. >> reporter: john and diana,
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ariel castro is facing the possibility of murder charges for the death of his victims' unborn children. for the first time ariel castro stood before the bar of justice. >> mr. castro stand before you a captive, in captivity, prisoner. >> reporter: castro, 52-year-old former bus driver was charged with rape and kidnapping for allegedly abducting three women and holding them prisoner for a decade. castro bit his collar, held his head down and signed documents with his hands and the judge set bail at $8 million. >> this child kidnapper operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. >> reporter: details of their ordeal are hard to bear. amanda berry told police she was forced to give birth in a plastic kiddie pool. her child now 6 and the three women never saw a doctor while they were held. michelle knight says castro ended the five pregnancies he
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inflicted on her punching her in the abdomen until she miscarried. among many charges to come those related to pregnancy assaults could bring castro a capital sentence. >> we'll evaluate to seek charges eligible for the death penalty. >> reporter: gina dejesus had a joyous homecoming wednesday. three families who shared grief now share joy. >> they can actually smile now. my daughter can't stop smiling. >> reporter: cleveland's abc affiliate wews is reporting ariel castro admits he is a sex addict and is cooperating with police. andy rosen for abc news in cleveland. back to you. >> thank you. >> the question why didn't the women ever escape? they were in there for ten years. they were out at least twice is what they have told police officers. but i think we are now learning a little bit about what life was like inside, not only were they chained p. he said thee alassted go f rie trit t the a first and awoul if they weren't chained, roped.
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finding out more, going to get more details, really fascinating. apparently, you know how did he feed the women? he would bring home food and cook it for them. sometimes bring home mcdonald's. >> the brothers right now from what we understand, they have been released their whereabouts. how is it possible nobody in this extensive family all apparently lived close by had no idea this was happening in house of horrors. >> amazing. the story is going to be front and center for a long time. several days since this case broke, the jaw dropping details are coming in. stay with abc news for the latest from cleveland. later on this half hour, we'll hear from the controversial hero who helped amanda berry. kansas ex-con to be charged with first degree murder. kyle flak killed three people in a rural area. still missing 18-month-old daughter of one murder victim. police believe lana leigh, they believe is dead, flak just got out of prison on attempted murder charges last year. coast guard investigators are not sure what caused a fatal accident for a sailing team. the super fast catamaran capsized yesterday in san
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francisco bay killing one sailor, injuring another. 36-year-old andrew bart simpson, died becoming trapped under the boat's platform. he won a gold medal at the 2008 olympics. >> shocking experience to go through. and we have a lot to deal with in the next few days in terms of assuring everybody's well being. we are focused on the people. >> simpson leaves behind a wife and a young son. the sailor injured is expected to be okay. america's cup takes place from july to september. australian investigators say as long as there is hope they will search waters where a couple fell from the deck of a cruise ship. they're also enhancing surveillance camera images for clues about why they went overboard. abc's matt gutman has the story. >> reporter: on the last night of a voyage through the south pacific paradise, paul rosington and kristin schroeder splashed
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silently into the sea. authorities say they plunged overboard at the mid deck promenade, 50-foot drop to the water but survivable. no one noticed until their bags went unclaimed. carnival surveillance cameras captured the fall. the company saying no evidence of foul play. this is the latest tough headline for the cruise line. now carnival is being investigated over six separate incidents by the coast guard. mostly involving engine room fires and ships being stranded at sea. like the carnival "triumph" which lost power at sea in february. >> and the stench is horrific. >> reporter: sewage flowing down the halls with 4,000 passengers aboard. then "the dream" lost propulsion. and all this after the costa concordia grounded. >> more frequent than we know of. those that we know of are
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impacting the cruise ships. >> reporter: carnival slashed prices to $40 a night for some cruises. despite it all, carnival says its sales remain robust. matt gutman, abc news, miami. lawmakers on capitol hill demanding answers about whether warning signs were missed before the boston marathon bombing. tamerlan tsarnaev, the suspected master mind of the bombing was interviewed by the fbi in boston after tips from the russians. local police say they were never told of the interview. speaking of tsarnaev his remains have finally been buried. officials will not say where. congress is awarding the highest civilian honor to the four girls who died in the 1963 bombing of the birmingham, alabama, church they were at. white supremacists detonated the bomb during sunday services. the shocking murders led to the passage of the civil rights act. some victims' families and survivors of the blast did not welcome the medal so much. they say they should be financially compensated. a heist that used computers and atms that we walked past every single day.
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a worldwide gang of criminals some seen on surveillance, stole $45 million in just hours. hackers first stole prepaid debit accounts and downloaded information on to home made atm cards. smaller crews of thieves used them at cash machines in 26 countries. >> the scheme was organized for months and planned down to the minute. reminiscent of the casino heist in "oceans 11." the crooks so brazen, some even took photos of themselves flashing the card and what they had bought with it. seven people are under arrest here in the u.s. investigators say though that no personal accounts were compromised. >> smart enough to pull off that then they take pictures of themselves. >> not smart. >> are you kidding me? >> not usually smart groups. the government shut down a website which showed people how to make a plastic gun out of blue prints. the state department says blue prints may violate export rules. even before the government took
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action, there had been demands from lawmakers to outlaw the guns. 100,000 copies of the blueprint had been downloaded. apple's ipad 2 could pose serious health risks, according to a new study. cardiologists saying the preliminary research shows ipad 2 deactivated defiberalators implanted in patients. it happened when patients held the ipad too close to their chests potentially interfering with their heart beats. doctors warn magnetic devices could pose the same risk. here's a rather unique item that has been put up for auction. a dc-9 that the auctioneer says once carried a vice president and may, may have actually flown a president of the united states. >> given that the plane was air force 2 for sure it could have actually been air force 1. no word on which president or vice president may have used the plane. >> some details here, the plane is parked in arizona right now. want to get in on the action, the bidding starts at $50,000. >> $50,000 for a plane, kind of cheap. >> it does.
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you have that in your back pocket. park that in your jersey driveway, huh? >> no, no, and no. yeah, especially the part about the back pocket. >> you know who will probably end up snatching the bad boy up, john travolta. >> yes. >> pilot. >> enthusiast. collectible. >> that's my theory. >> we'll find out. coming up, the average woman wastes $22,000 during her lifetime on this. >> ouch. and outcries of discrimination over clothing not offered for sale at one of the trendiest clothing shops in the country. you are watching "world news now." ♪ like you're nothing ♪ you are perfect to me >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. did you see mr. clean disinfecting bath cleaner killing that bacteria yesterday, just flaunting it? and did you see the magic eraser clean up that crazy kitchen mess? it was like super dirty, super clean. how? wish i hadn't. [ sniffs ] what's that amazing smell?
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it's mr. clean with the amazing scent of gain. wow! you know, if i had a team, you'd be on it. [ gasps ] our mascot could be a cleanosarus rex. you're off the team. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide with the mr. clean clean team on your side. and one wedding, 2 kids, 43 bottles of olay total effects and many birthdays later, still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay.
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charles ramsey is a hero. though he doesn't think he deserves the label. >> the man who helped rescue three women from ten years of torture is making the rounds to share his story. here is abc's cynthia mcfadden. >> reporter: at the beginning of the week, charles ramsey was a guy that worked in the kitchen at hajj's restaurant in cleveland. on monday afternoon, charles ramsey says when he heard a woman screaming he raced over and broke down the door to his neighbor ariel castro's home. the rest, as they say, is
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history. even the cleveland police chief weighed in. >> mr. ramsey does deserve a lot of credit. and he is the true key to this case. >> reporter: as did one of the mother of the rescued girls. >> it was awesome what he did. he could have turned his back. he chose not to. he chose to help her. >> reporter: a lot of people are calling you a hero is that how you see yourself? >> of course not, sugar. i do what i had to do. you can put any label you want on it. >> reporter: there is a reward, $25,000, for amanda berry's safe return. >> all you have to do is make that check out to amanda berry. what else you got? any other reward? you make them out to gina dejesus. what have you got? you go give that to michelle. what else you got? >> reporter: you don't feel, you are not going to collect any money for this? >> if i could do this all over again, and come out with the
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same happy ending, keep your money. >> reporter: there has been a dissenting voice raised over the past 24 hours. angel cordero who lives on the street says it was he not ramsey who broke down the door. "ramsey arrived after she was outside with the girl. but the truth, we arrived here who crossed the street, who broke the door, it was me." >> ramsey says cordero's version is not true. he says cordero was the first to run over to ariel castro's house then he ran away. in this exchange he refers to cordero as the dominican. >> i saw that girl. i don't recognize her. i saw a white girl. what's your problem? keep in mind the dominican, as i am saying this, what is your problem, runs back over there behind me, i look across the street, and she need to got out of here. he says, i'm not getting involved in that. i did what i had to do. and she got out of there.
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>> reporter: ramsey is the first to say he has not lived a perfect life. you have been in jail? >> you got that right, sugar. you reach that age, it's like, am i going to be a total schmuck the rest of my life or you going to stop being the schmuck? >> reporter: monday you showed the world you weren't a schmuck. >> i don't know about next monday, can't promise you nothing. >> cynthia mcfadden in new york. >> as real as they come. >> absolutely. he is a hero. i don't know if cynthia mcfadden has been called sugar three times in an interview. >> three times in an interview. she is a sugar. like he says and the other gentleman said. i don't really think it matters who got there first. who opened the door. who let them out. three girls are out. little girl is out.
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they're safe. >> don't need to argue who is the hero. they both are. >> that's for sure. coming up next, the retailer playing to cool kids frame of mind. >> why abercrombie & fitch is under fire for his its thin selection of clothing. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ less than less than perfect only skinny people allowed, that appears to be the motto for abercrombie & fitch. >> the clothing store accused of discriminating against average and overweight people by only offering small sizes. abc's rebecca jarvis looks into the allegations. >> reporter: at your nearest abercrombie & fitch, you can find shirtless sales men and latest distressed denim. if you are looking for a women's
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extra large blouse you are out of luck. the trendy retailer ceo doesn't want your business. >> he has been very, very successful. he doesn't want anybody in the store that doesn't fit that cool, young, sexy definition. >> reporter: robin lewis co-author of the rules of retail. he says it is all part of mike jefferies master plan to cultivate what he considers cool. we visited the abercrombie & fitch flag ship store in new york city to get a closer look to see if we could find something for an average woman, size 14 in the u.s. but after scanning multiple shelves and racks we found mostly 00s and extra smalls, and a couple large tops and size 10 pants. sales people there confirmed abercrombie doesn't carry xl or xxl for women. a spokesperson for abercrombie & fitch declined to comment.
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but in a 2006 interview, ceo jefferies told "salon" magazine, we go after the attractive all american kid. a lot of people don't belong in our clothes. and they can't belong. are we exclusionary? absolutely. >> he is a brilliant visionary. and he really crystallized this core consumer he was going after. >> reporter: lewis says it is a model that may not fit the future. plus sized shoppers now make up 67% of consumers. >> i think young people today want cool, but it is how they define it for themselves. >> reporter: from dove's real beauty campaign highlighting real women to h & m inclusion of plus size swimsuit model jenny runk, many are embracing it. and making clothes accessible. rival retailers h&m and american eagle both carry sizes 16 and 18, the largest at abercrombie & fitch, a 10. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> tough one. >> it is. it really depends on how you look at the argument. you bring up a fair point. >> i don't mean to be insensitive. does victoria's secret discriminate against men they don't offer clothes for dudes. does big and tall discriminate against small and thin people, they offer big and tall. >> good point.
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>> not the bottom line. it's tough. >> tough one for sure. we'll leave it to the experts. >> exactly. leave it to the experts. >> exactly.
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we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day
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have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide pods. just one pac has the stain removal power of 6 caps of the bargain brand. pop in. stand out.
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all right, welcome to "the all right, welcome to "the mix." quickly, the average woman spends $22,000 in her lifetime replacing -- guess? >> i know, i was at the meeting. >> makeup. >> can you believe that? >> $22,000 of lost makeup. fishing for your lip gloss. >> mascara, lip gloss. can't find it. get some more. lip gloss is $15 at mac. i can see that happening in a year. >> i feel your pain. may 10th, today, national clean up your room day. the day kids across the world. >> get to work. >> dread. so we, we did it. >> yeah, not so bad my office. only been in there for a month. haven't had much time to mess it up. jeans on the couch. usual things. biggest thing, always throw the cushions behind there.
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i take a catnap after the show. >> nice. >> sometimes before i appear on gma. there you go. straighten the couch. >> that's not bad. >> my desk is far more, my neighbor is so clean, compared to me, a mess. of course i didn't know this was happening until they showed up with a camera. >> i have seen yours. >> yeah, i don't have a spot to put anything. i shove it in the drawers. >> open the drawer and do this. swipe it under the rug. >> polka is coming up. ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow stuff you saw on koppel's show ♪ ♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the "world news" polka everybody! ♪
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♪ that's the "world news" polka ♪ ukulele masters! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ every anchor guy and gal do the "world news" polka ♪
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this morning on "world news now" -- private prison. cleveland prosecutors describe kidnapping suspect ariel castro's home. why he is under constant guard. how his alleged victims are coping with new reality. huge heist. prosecutors say a flash mob of crooks carried out a $45 million cyber bank robbery in a heartbeat. the widespread impact. who got busted? american agenda. prince harry's warm welcome in washington as his big u.s. tour begins. why his visit may be sticking to mostly serious business. big upset on "american idol." it has to do with who is at the judges' table, not who is singing on the stage. that's in "the skinny" on this friday, may 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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good friday. friday, friday. >> happy friday, yes! >> we did. >> we made it to the end of the week. >> we sure did. >> it's been quite a week. a whole lot to get into. we'll begin with a moment of celebration for the rescue of the three young women in cleveland. neighbors gathered in the street to rejoice at their return. >> at the county jail their alleged kidnapper kept under a separate cell under 24-hour guard. we are learning new disturbing details about those years in captivity. here's abc's david muir. >> ariel castro. >> reporter: ariel castro in captivity, handcuffed in a blue jumpsuit his head down. charged with multiple charges of kidnapping and rape. >> this child kidnapper operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. >> reporter: the prosecutor's words come 24 hours after the homecomings a decade in the making. we learned that inside that van,
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gina dejesus was overcome and overwhelmed by the crowd but hugged her mother inside the van who told her you could do it. give them a thumbs up and she did. >> no matter how hard it is for everybody it is awesome. >> reporter: you got her back. >> yes. that's the most important thing right now. >> reporter: in the hours after the scene, gina told her parents she did not want to sleep upstairs in a room like she had been forced to for the last decade. instead the extended family sleeping on inflatable mattresses in the living room to grant her wish. gina's mother nancy told us she has known ariel castro for years, after growing up in the same community. that castro spoke to her on several occasions even after her daughter disappeared. most recently this past year asking her "how are you doing?" she told me it was not uncommon for castro to ask her similar questions. revealing he was holding her daughter captive. >> do you know how many times i have been through the streets.
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i passed by that street. i have a sister two blocks and a half away from there. >> reporter: and the little girl, amanda berry's daughter who was carried into her new home. we have now learned she had been taken out in public by ariel castro several times. it is believed ariel castro may have taken amanda berry's daughter to visit his own mother. investigators suspect that little girl's biological grandmother. one family ruined by a secret. three other families relieved. >> they can smile freely now. which is the most beautiful thing in those three that went through that they can actually smile now. >> david muir, abc news, cleveland, ohio. >> a colorful, but controversial hero who helped pull the first of cleveland victims to safety said he only did what he had to do. charles ramsey the one who told the world what happened when amanda berry called for help. colleagues at the restaurant where he works made t-shirts calling him a hero.
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he said reward money should go to the victims. >> all you have to do is make that check out to amanda berry. what else you got? any other rewards, you make them out to gina dejesus. what else you got? you give that to michelle. what else you got? >> all right, a neighbor named angel cordero says he actually was the one who freed amanda berry. ramsey says cordero was afraid to get involved. he is sickened by his story. >> you know, if they both helped, it really doesn't matter. the women are safe and sound. because a couple people got involved and did the right thing. >> these are good enough guys both of them. even if they're trying to figure out who saved who talking reward money. i think both of them are willing to give the money back to the victims like charles said. >> interesting details. coming out. an alarm system put a lot of fear in the women. to escape the house. in addition to being tied up, padlocked and all these things, they were under the impression there was an elaborate alarm system if they tried to do anything it would go off he
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would come rushing back. >> now we know that wasn't the case. going back, amanda berry's child, jocelyn, she says is ariel castro's daughter, he took her to church, to the park, took her to mcdonald's several times. the question -- >> lot of details coming out. doesn't seem to all add up yet. >> not adding up yet. >> we'll see. moving on, jurors will not consider whether jodi arias will get the death penalty next week. court administrators in phoenix gave no reason why the hearing was moved to next wednesday. arias was placed on suicide watch after telling an interviewer moments after her first degree murder verdict that she would prefer to die rather than spend the rest of her life in prison. lawmakers on capitol hill are demanding to know if some important signals were missed which may have prevented the boston marathon bombings. tamerlan tsarnaev, the suspected master mind was interviewed by the fbi in boston after a tip
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from the russians. boston police say they were never told and there were concerns friends of the brothers did not come forward once their photos were made public. now to the huge cyberbank heist, a new york prosecutor says it was pulled off by a "virtual criminal flash mob" which worked with incredible speed. the final haul was $45 million. abc's rebecca jarvis tells us how the was done. >> reporter: this is how we usually think of bank robberies. guns, masks. but with this $45 million bank heist, not even an alarm bell. the scheme was organized for months and planned down to the minute. reminiscent of the casino heist in "oceans 11." >> reporter: arrests after an eight-man team of 20-somethings in one day allegedly worked their way around new york hitting more than 100 atms collecting $2 million in cash like trick-or-treaters. about halfway through the heist they came here, to this bank of america, where in just three transactions they allegedly stole almost $2,500.
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authorities say the suspects flashed their loot in these photos. prosecutors say the men were guided by unknown cyber masterminds who hacked computers at middle eastern banks creating home made debit card they distributed to bands of small-time crooks and hit atms in 26 countries. no customer accounts were compromised. still, we could feel the effects when an increase in security gets passed in fees. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. american airlines reached a settlement with the federal government over safety issues. the carrier faced $162 million of fines over problems with electrical wiring and other issues. american agreed to pay the faa $25 million in the settlement. the airline is in the middle of negotiations in bankruptcy court as it puts together a merger with usairways. call this one a sign of our increasingly cellular times. a united nations agency report predicts by next year could be more cell phones in use on earth than people on earth. right now people do outnumber the cell phones by 300 million.
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the report says more people have mobile phones for home and personal use and cellular service is cheaper in developing countries than even having a land line. i have two. >> here is the problem. a lot of people have two. >> one for work. one for personal. >> we are already outnumbered. >> business and pleasure don't meet. >> they don't. >> big brother is out there. keep your cell phone to yourself. >> that's true. now to our friday weather. clear for the east coast. there will be storms in two areas. first in texas where tornados are a possibility. second is in the ohio valley. rain in parts of the southeast and the northern plains. >> some of the warmest weather of the spring from washington all the way into new england. another day of much warmer than usual temperatures in the northwest. 85 in honolulu. a bit of craziness and ingenuity, that's why this is our "favorite story of the day." a group of guys hoping to raise some money. >> they made the world's biggest slip and slide loop.
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one guy tried it out. >> oh. >> mm -- didn't go quite as well. ouch, ouch, ouch. that looked like it hurt. >> goodness, gracious. another guy pulled by a truck. made it all the way around. whoa. not for the faint of heart. don't try that at home. although they did. yeah, you need what is that -- >> centrifugal force? >> yes, need something to make it around the loop. >> no, no, not so much. >> they needed a better engineer. i can tell you the first part of the slide, it is not steep enough. you have to make it a steeper, bigger incline so when you are about to hit the loop you are going faster. >> what is going through the guy's mind when he is being pulled by the truck. >> hope the truck stops in time. so i don't get grass burn. >> exactly right. coming up, turning a corner on "sesame street" what your kids can expect to see. prince harry's america agenda. welcome in washington and what he hopes to accomplish. you are watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by finish it's happening n people are switching to finish... ... and it's spreading all across america. quantum with new power gel delivers amazing clean and shine, even in the hardest water, which cascade just can't do. take the finish shine challenge with quantum. voted product of the year by consumers ! given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities
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while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ i'm just wild about harry >> i am a little wild about harry.hq8 prince harry, he is state side
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this morning. arrived in washington yesterday to kick off a six-city tour of the united states. >> last night, prince harry topped off a busy day at a meet and greet, vips, reception and dinner at the british embassy. abc's tahman bradley is in washington following the royalty. good morning, tahman. >> diana, john, good morning. prince harry is back in the states. no clowning around this time. he is doing work for a bunch of his favorite charities. a lot of excitement yesterday when the prince landed. a red carpet arrival for prince harry. the sometimes rebellious royal returning to the u.s. for the first time since that scandalous
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vegas vacation last year. a crowd of women showed up at his first stop, an exhibition by the halo trust charity, the prince receiving a warm welcome from john mccain and halo ceo guy willoughby. >> very nice young man. very pleasant. i think he seemed to be really interested in the halo outfit. >> then off to the white house for an event with michelle obama celebrating military moms. >> when he heard about this tea and all of you, when people know about you and the sacrifices you make they want to be a part of it. he wanted to be here. >> reporter: later, a stop at the british embassy for a dinner reception and remarks and landmine removal. >> refugees who sought shelter from war cannot return home. long after the guns have fallen silent, this menace remains. unseen and undetected. >> reporter: the seven day, six city royal visit is all about giving back. >> it is covering all of the events he feels very strongly about. >> reporter: the prince jet sets to denver, then colorado springs for wounded warrior games, a paralympics style sporting championship, no stop in vegas, this time, as he makes his way back to the east coast early next week. the prince's charities are paying for most of the visit all of his flights will be commercial. and he is also being low key, just five aides with him. john, diana. >> we are a little wild about harry. talking in the commercial.
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you want to hang out with harry. ♪ i'm just wild about harry >> there you go. what do you think, princess diana. has a nice ring to it. sounds familiar. sound familiar. >> look at that. >> pretty cool. coming up, the upset on "american idol" and it has nothing to do with contestants. who may be number one at the heat/bulls' game.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny
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all good things must come to an end, they say. "american idol," get the feeling the show is kind of, the juggernaut stopped. randy jackson is leaving. last of the original judges announcing he is leaving after 12 seasons. he basically said to put all the speculation to rest after 12 seasons i decided to leave after this season. i am proud how we forever changed television and music industry. 56 years old. he is a producer, bassist. he wants to focus on his record label and business opportunities. i interviewed randy here at abc. i don't know how to say it. yo dog. i don't know about this randy jackson guy, my feeling. after meeting him. he is the greatest, nicest, most sincere talented guy. a real music man.
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and did a little research on him to prepare for the interview. he is way more than -- >> a great guy. >> we wish him well. >> yeah, you know how long has this show run. it feels like forever. >> 12 years he has been on the show. >> that is a long time. it is time to hang up your hat, move on. plus he's made his millions. time to do stuff you really love. >> moving on to miley cyrus. kind of leaked this a week or two ago. she made it to the "maxim" magazine top ten list. well she is the hottest of them all. >> looks pretty good. >> she has grown into her skin. she is number one on maxim's annual hot 100 list rather. interestingly though their number, i believe it is 69, is someone who doesn't really exist. you remember him, he had a girlfriend, she did exist, didn't exist, a guy acting like
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a girl. manti te'o. his fake girlfriend made it on to the list. she is number 69. there she is. in all her glory. she is a babe, i must say. >> she is one smoking babe. so, manti te'o, it continues. >> this next picture says 1,000 words, as they say. it has gone viral. check it out. >> this picture, check it out. she is saying you are number one. a miami heat fan, letting noah having the number one salute. gone viral. people are talking about it, her name is -- philomena tobias, the widow of former commentator, seth tobias. she is embarrassed being a good sport. she was having fun like another fan.
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people need to get a life if they're making too big a deal of it. >> she said people need to get a life. okay, maybe. >> some horrified. other people think it is funny. >> i don't know if you need to be horrified. maybe the people who need to get a life is people giving the read between the line signs, just played a game. leave him alone. you are being a bully. >> in his face. >> in his face. next up, "sesame street" taking you back to your childhood. apparently going to release the very first comic, just in time for free comic book day. executive editor says we want to offer kids great content. every type of book that may attract them. and to bring families together over a good story. so there you have it. and tune in later on, "good morning america," right here, the new character on sesame street. >> sesame street fan? >> huge. enormous. couldn't get enough. >> are the kids still into it? >> i think so. who knows. i swear i made it on to a video of theirs. >> you what went to sesame street for the taping? >> no, i was at a park. i don't remember this. i saw a video when i was 12. i was like -- that girl looks really familiar. >> that's me? how do you check? there is no way of knowing. you say it and it becomes real. >> interesting.
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>> especially on national television. i was in a video for sesame street. >> favorite muppet? >> big bird. huge. >> kind of a grover guy. >> really? >> and i liked oscar the grouch. >> i did too! >> we'll be right back. save them.
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woolite everyday, cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer.
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this week in the headlines we saw high profile conviction and emotional display in front of a congressional committee. >> we'll start with the biggest story of the week, the rescue of three young women from captivity inside a cleveland home. here is our "friday rewind." >> help me, i am amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay. >> what's going on there? >> i have been kidnapped. i have been missing for ten years.
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i am here and free now. >> i look and i see this girl she just going nuts on the door we had to kick open the bottom. that door was aluminum. it was cheap. she climbed out with her daughter. >> i am glad to have you back. >> i'm glad to be back. >> i thought you were gone. >> nope, i am here. >> we, the jury, find the defendant as to count one first degree murder guilty. >> the worst outcome for me would be natural life. i would much rather die sooner than later, longevity runs in my family and i don't want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place. >> flames start bursting just, everywhere. everybody came through the partition. >> i bring up my head from the compartment and help me, i hear somebody screaming but --
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>> i got the ambassador on the othe he said, "greg, we are under attack." >> it matters to me personally and it matters to my colleagues. my colleagues at the department of state. >> i think we are always open for redemption. i think this is certainly -- [ indiscernible ] >> i did this for myself, my wife, and my children. and unlike some of you they will still pay attention to me whether i run for president or not. >> my biggest job in the world is to protect my daughter. and i am very protective. i just want to make sure that she can have a -- a healthy, safe, normal life. >> that is a cute baby. >> yes. >> mother's day this weekend. don't forget everybody. this is your first moth it was eal.ger sets the predent diamond necklaces or box of chocolates.
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be careful out there, ng news i
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america. >> "good morning america" is coming up. making news this morning, cleveland strong. >> the city comes together at the end of an unforgettable week as we learn ariel castro could pay for his alleged crimes with his life. cash machine mayhem. cyberthieves accused of stealing millions in hours. it's the biggest cash theft in decades. >> a space station scare. how do you fix a leak 200 miles up? washington stops to welcome a royal. prince harry on a serious stateside tour. and good friday morning. overnight in cleveland community members came together for a candlelight vigil, a sign of


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